Workheld Release Notes (English)

Workheld Release Notes (English)

Workheld 8.2

Workheld Flow

Workheld Call

Workheld Flow

Workheld Call

Workheld Flow 8.2 contains further improvements for planning. A "Responsible Technician" can be designated and, if desired, all technicians will receive a reminder email 7 days before work begins with a brief summary of the upcoming work. In addition, relevant data can now be filtered by department in the Workheld Flow Web App.

WorkHeld Flow 8.2 also contains numerous small improvements and bug fixes.

If your company has not yet moved to the Workheld platform, please use the existing Workheld app. Link: WorkHeld - Free download and install on Windows | Microsoft Store


Workheld 8.1

Workheld Flow

Workheld Call

Workheld Flow

Workheld Call

Workheld Flow 8.1 includes many improvements for scheduling orders as they can be marked as "Fixed" and "Confirmed" and assigned to a responsible coordinator.

WorkHeld Flow 8.1 also includes numerous small improvements and bug fixes.

If your company has not yet moved to the Workheld platform, please use the existing Workheld app. Link: WorkHeld - Free download and install on Windows | Microsoft Store

Workheld Call now becomes part of the Workheld Platform, making it quick and easy to get remote support via web, smartphone, tablet or smartglass.

Workheld 8.0

Workheld Flow

Workheld Flow

Workheld Flow 8.0 is the initial release of our new Workheld Platform with numerous improvements and new features.

If your company has not yet moved to the Workheld platform, please use the existing Workheld app. Link: WorkHeld - Free download and install on Windows | Microsoft Store

Workheld Legacy

Workheld 7.1

Workheld Flow 7.1 now allows searching for customers and customer IDs in the Windows Mobile App. It also displays descriptions of projects and cases, as well as associated work orders.

WorkHeld Flow 7.1 also includes numerous small improvements and bug fixes.

Workheld 7.0

Workheld is now called Workheld Flow and comes with numerous improvements. We have made the sorting of projects and casesin the Windows Mobile App clearer and now show additional information such as the customer. In addition, it is now possible to navigate from the equipment list to related projects and cases. We have also simplified the deletion of files, entries and other objects. In the Web App, the Team Planner can now also be used to move the scheduled times of projects and cases.

WorkHeld Flow 7.0 also includes numerous small improvements and bug fixes.

Workheld 6.5

Workheld 6.5 contains small improvements to the user interface. We have also made a few preparations in the background for numerous new functions.

WorkHeld 6.5 also includes many small improvements and bug fixes.

WorkHeld 6.4

In WorkHeld 6.4, material orders can now be created with multiple materials as well as a delivery address. We have also improved the management of material orders in the WorkHeld Web App.

WorkHeld 6.4 also includes numerous small improvements and bug fixes.

WorkHeld 6.3

In WorkHeld 6.3 report creation has been completely overhauled to ensure that your reports not only look exactly as you want them to, but that they are also as quick and easy to create as possible.

WorkHeld 6.3 also includes numerous small improvements and bug fixes.

WorkHeld 6.2

WorkHeld 6.2 allows Technicians to access the entire equipment history. This means that historical Work Orders as well as the associated documentation of checklists, measured values, defects, material consumption and much more can be accessed directly in the WorkHeld Mobile App.

WorkHeld 6.1 also includes numerous small improvements and bug fixes.

WorkHeld 6.1

With WorkHeld 6.1,a lot of things happen in the background - if a full synchronisation is started, it is mostly done in the background, while you can already continue working as normal. We have also improved the input of dates and times.

WorkHeld 6.1 also contains numerous small improvements and bug fixes.

WorkHeld 6.0

WorkHeld 6.0 is our biggest update yet! The WorkHeld Web App has a new look and a completely redesigned user interface makes work faster and easier. In the WorkHeld Mobile App, Technicians now get a weekly overview of their working and travelling times.

WorkHeld 6.0 also contains numerous small improvements and bug fixes.