Field | Description | Mandatory field |
Address search | Address field with search in Google Maps | No |
Name | Name of the equipment location (e.g. company, town, landmark) | Automatic |
Latitude/longitude | Latitude/longitude of the order address | Automatic |
Address | Automatically filled formatted order address | Automatic |
Country | Automatically filled country of the order address | Automatic |
Additional address information | Additional information about the order address (e.g. entrance gate) | No |
Drücken Sie auf SPEICHERN, nachdem Sie alle relevanten Informationen hinzugefügt haben. Sie können die Anlage zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt jederzeit wieder bearbeitenPress SAVE after you have added all the relevant information. You can edit the equipment again at any time in the future.
4.1.2 Detailed view of equipment