Support Ticket Qualification Checklist
Goal: Enable Workheld 1st level support to assess incoming customer requests and gather relevant information to enable efficient processing.
Problem Description:
1.1 Accurate description of the problem, steps performed (sequence) and expected outcome.
1.2 Affected app and environment: Flow or Call? Web or Mobile? Test or Prod?
1.3 Error message, if any.
1.4. specific data affected (order number, checklist number, etc.).
1.5. screenshots showing the problem (complete screen, including sidebar with version number for mobile app).
1.6. date and exact time when the problem occurred (for log verification).
Data for analysis:
2.1. For problems with the mobile app:
2.1.1. send diagnostic data (follow instructions).
2.1.2 WorkHeld version of the mobile app used. 2.2.
2.2. in case of problems with the Web App:
2.2.1. check browser console (F12) and send screenshot if necessary.
2.2.2 Browser used and its version.
2.3. specify user name of the affected user.
Prioritisation and evaluation:
3.1. Number of users affected.
3.2 Does the problem affect the use of the programme completely or partially? Does this apply to all users or only to a specific user?
3.3. has the problem occurred once or repeatedly?