Zapier integration

Zapier integration

Adding Workheld Sense to your Zapier apps

  • Create your personal Zapier account

  • Request access to the Workheld Sense application in Zapier (write an email to support@workheld.com). You will then receive an invite mail.

  • Accept the invitation via the invite link of the received invite mail

  • Go to "My Apps" and then search for "Sense"

  • Click on the sense app

  • Now a pop-up window will appear. Select the domain of the environment you are using. If you are not sure which domain to choose or if the right domain is missing, then please contact our support team.

  • When you have chosen the right domain click on "Yes, continue".

  • On the next screen leave the default settings as they are and click on "Yes, Allow"

  • Now the pop-up window will disappear and you can see an additional entry in your "My Connections" section

  • Click on the "Test" button to check if this connection is working as expected. After some seconds the button should change its color to green and say "Success!" as shown below. (If not please contact our support team.)

  • Now you are ready to use Zapier in the Senseforce Automations. How to create an automation using the Zapier integration in the Senseforce platform is explained in the next section.

Create a Zapier automation

Steps to be done in Sense platform:

  • Create a new automation

  • Choose "Integration" as action

  • Choose payloads (this is the data that will be sent to Zapier)

  • Choose "Save and continue to Zapier"

Steps to be done in Zapier platform:

  • Log in to Zapier (if not already logged in)

  • Choose "Make a Zap" on the left-hand side

  • Optional: Rename your Zap in the top left (next to the pencil symbol)

  • Use the search field to look for the "Sense" application

  • For some other Zapier integrations different "trigger" can be chosen, but for the Sense only the "Data Trigger" is available. Select this trigger and click on the "Continue" button

  • Select the connection to your environment (which was set up in the previous section)

  • Choose the automation, action, and payload you want to connect with the Zap

  • In the last step, you can use "Test trigger" to check if the data can be transmitted to Zapier

  • If the test was successful then some preview of the data should appear like shown below

If the trigger test fails it could be also a permission issue on the SF platform because the Zap uses the email address defined in the Zapier connection settings and therefore has the same permissions as the user of this email address on the Senseforce platform.

  • Now you can define multiple actions in your Zap using the data of your Senseforce automation.

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