


Dimension Editor
  1. Attribute Panel Add an attribute to your Dimension by choosing from the available datatypes. To add, either click the '+' next to your desired datatype, or click and drag the datatype card onto the canvas.

  2. Canvas All current attributes are shown here. Order can be changed by dragging cards around or using the arrow buttons in the top right-hand corner of each card.

  3. Editor Panel This panel allows you to change the properties of your Dimension. If an attribute is selected (done by clicking the card in the canvas) this panel will be populated with properties of that attribute.


Dimensions can be added as an attribute (or subdimension) of another Dimension. This allows you to create complex datatypes, which can be easily reused across different Dimensions.

When adding a new attribute of type Dimension, a dialog will launch which allows you to select from the Dimensions you have already created.

Selecting a thing postfix attribute

After selecting one of your attributes in the canvas, you have the option to mark this attribute in your sidebar as a thing postfix by toggling on the Use as thing postfix switch.

What this will do is, after you create instances of your dimensions (see Instances) and assign them to your things (see Things), the value of your thing postfix attribute will show up next to the thing names in various places throughout the application.

You can also mark a subdimension as the thing postfix. This will, instead of taking the value of the dimension attribute, go into your subdimension and check if any attribute is defined as a thing postfix. If such an attribute is found, its value will be shown as normal.

Defining subdimensions as a thing postfix is limited to one subdimension. This means, that when defining a subdimension is marked as a thing postfix, the subdimension can't have another subdimension as a thing postfix.

If this is the case we simply don't show you any thing postfix.

You can only select one attribute as a thing postfix.

As an example, let's say we create a dimension called Location with an attribute called City that we mark as the thing postfix, as well as a few instances of our Location dimension with e.g. city names like Dornbirn, London, New York, etc. Afterward, assign your created instances to various things.

If everything is setup correctly, you should see your thing postfix in the following places:

Dashboard Filters

When using a thing filter in your dashboard (e.g. the global thing filter or any other custom thing filter) with e.g. the equals operator, you already get a list of all thing names to choose from. When your thing has a postfix available, it will show on the right side of the thing name.

Thing postfix visible next to the thing names in thing dashboard filters

Group Management

In the groups' thing settings, where you can assign certain things to a group, you will see the postfix next to your thing names in the list of already assigned groups, as well as in the popup window where you can add or remove things from your group.

Thing postfix displayed next to thing names in group managements "Add Things" popup

Please be aware that saving input values that contain a double dollar sign '$$' will make the dimensions publishing fail. A single dollar sign '$' sign inside an input value is allowed.

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