Sharable Dashboard URL

Sharable Dashboard URL

When you want to share a dashboard with your current selected filter values, all you need to do is click the Copy sharing URL button in the top right corner when you have a dashboard open. This will generate a URL of the dashboard and save it in your clipboard.

'Copy sharing URL' button

Sharing URL

In this video, you can see how a sharing URL is built by setting different filters at the dashboard level.

The generated sharing URL from the above video is: https://{host}/dashboards/{dashboard_id}?0.id=69c7783d-6d5f-441d-aff6-7cfcee4b16e0&0.operator=24&0.parameters=3&1.id=beb60eaa-b2b6-48c9-8009-a368fa7b73bd&1.operator=7&1.parameters=Crane1&2.id=e6a41b42-809a-4031-83a7-7c69c0b9c9d8&2.operator=21&3.id=f8297aa6-6a46-4304-95f6-76de36347362&3.operator=5&3.parameters=Crane1&4.id=abf543ec-3564-4989-bb57-69d5a81598fb&4.operator=23&4.parameters=5&5.id=c9bd5c67-c378-41e9-9846-8eb709a3b5ad&5.operator=6&5.parameters=Crane2&6.id=8219b419-b685-44e5-9d72-2cf76b2889f4&6.operator=13

Let's see how filters are built:

Global Timestamp Filter = Custom X Months

  • 0.id = 69c7783d-6d5f-441d-aff6-7cfcee4b16e0 --> identifier of the 'Global Timestamp Filter' from the third section

  • 0.operator = 24 --> CustomLastXMonths (operators table)

  • 0.parameters = 3 --> input value

Global Thing Filter = ''Crane1"

  • 1.id = beb60eaa-b2b6-48c9-8009-a368fa7b73bd --> identifier of the 'Global Thing Filter' from the third section

  • 1.operator = 7 --> Like (operators table)

  • 1.parameters = 'Crane1' --> selected value for the filter

Global Timestamp Filter = Custom Yesterday

  • 2.id = e6a41b42-809a-4031-83a7-7c69c0b9c9d8 --> identifier of the 'Global Timestamp Filter' from the first section

  • 2.operator = 21 --> Custom Yesterday (operators table)

Global Thing Filter = ''Crane1"

  • 3.id = f8297aa6-6a46-4304-95f6-76de36347362 --> identifier of the 'Global Thing Filter' from the first section

  • 3.operator = 5 --> Equal (operators table)

  • 3.parameters = 'Crane1' --> selected value for the filter

Global Timestamp Filter = CustomLastXWeeks

  • 4.id = abf543ec-3564-4989-bb57-69d5a81598fb --> identifier of the 'Global Timestamp Filter' from the second section

  • 4.operator = 23 --> CustomLastXWeeks (operators table)

  • 4.parameters = 5 --> input value

Global Thing Filter = "Crane2"

  • 5.id = c9bd5c67-c378-41e9-9846-8eb709a3b5ad --> identifier of the 'Global Thing Filter' from the second section

  • 5.operator = 6 --> NotEqual (operators table)

  • 5.parameters = 'Crane2' -->selected value for the filter

Custom Filter = IsNotEmpty

  • 6.id = 8219b419-b685-44e5-9d72-2cf76b2889f4 --> identifier of the 'Custom Filter' from the second section

  • 6.operator = 13 --> IsNotEmpty(operators table)

Each filter is uniquely identified by a GUID and the values can be easily recognized in the Section settings panel, under the Filter area. You can copy it by selecting its content with a mouse or by clicking the copy icon on the right side of the content.

You can check the entire filter operators table here

Depending on the number of filters you have, or when using "in" filters, the generated URL can get pretty long. Some browsers may have problems with URLs exceeding a certain length, e.g. Google Chrome officially only supports URLs up to a length of 2.000 characters.

When generating a URL with 2.000 or more characters, it will be stated in the notification message you get after generating the URL.

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