Part 1 Welcome to Workheld (EN)

Part 1 Welcome to Workheld (EN)

1.1 Workheld Flow Web App in the browser

The Workheld Flow Web App can be accessed at flow.workheld.com with any modern internet browser. You can find the list of officially supported browsers here.

1.2 Login to Workheld

When you open the Workheld Flow web app for the first time, you will be taken directly to the login page.
You should have already received your login details by email.


1.3 The main menu

The main menu of the Workheld Flow web app is divided into six sections. You also have access to your own profile, the language settings and the help area at the top right of the menu bar.



  • Status overview

    In the status overview, you can view the status of projects, assignments and standing orders and are informed about defects and delays.

    • Team planner: In the team planner, you can assign your projects and assignments to employees in a weekly overview.

    • Equipment planner: Here you can move orders horizontally in terms of time.

    • Shift planner: You can plan shifts here.

    • Daily dashboard: In this dashboard you can see the current assignments, downtimes of the systems and the employees who are present in the current shift.

    • Unassigned entries: These are maintenance reports, for example, because they cannot be directly assigned to an order.

    • Reports: In "reports" you can view the aggregated daily working and travelling times of the selected technician for a specific week and export them as required


  • Projects
    Here you can create, manage and finalise projects and add the associated employees, equipment and tools. You will also find all the documentation created by the technicians in the course of carrying out projects.

  • Cases
    Here you can create, manage and finalise assignments and add the corresponding employees, equipment and tools. You will also find all the documentation created by the technicians in the course of carrying out assignments.

  • Standing orders
    Here you can create, manage and finalise standing orders and add the associated employees, equipment and tools. You will also find all the documentation created by the technicians in the course of executing standing orders.


  • Equipment management
    Here you can create and manage assets in the field.


  • Material management
    Here you can create and manage replacement, consumable and assembly materials.

    • Material orders
      Here you can view material orders and process them further.

    • Stock overview
      Here you can view the current material stock in total or by individual employee.


  • Customers
    Here you can create new customers or edit existing customers.

    • Checklisten
      Here you can create new checklists or edit existing checklists.

    • Werkzeuge
      Here you can create new tools or edit existing tools.

    • Projektvorlagen
      You can edit existing project templates here.


  • Skills

Here you can view the professional skills required to carry out certain jobs or work.

  • Qualifications

Here you can view the professional skills that have been acquired via certificates. A qualification becomes a certificate as soon as it is assigned to an employee.

  • Jobprofiles

Here you can see the combination of important professional skills that lead to a specific job profile, e.g: Automation technician.

  • Worker

Technicians are the workers who can log into the mobile apps to carry out their work. Workers are also technicians who are only employed by the company on a short-term basis via a leasing company.

  • Work time models

In this overview you can see all shift models that include shifts.

  • Team Shifts

Here the user can assign different working time models per day to the team, and also determine which job profiles are needed per day and shift.

  • Schicht calender definitionen

Here you can define the period from when to when your team shifts are valid.

  • Absence requests

As a coordinator, you can approve or reject absence requests from technicians here.

1.4 Breadcrumbs

Throughout the Workheld Flow web app, breadcrumbs are displayed directly below the main menu to help you find your way around and allow you to easily navigate back to the start page or to other levels.

In the following example, you are currently in the view of a work order with the title "Auftrag1" and you can see from the breadcrumbs that this work order is in the project "Projekt1".


In addition to the breadcrumbs, you can also use the practical BACK TO... button to navigate back one step at any time.

1.5 Object bar

In some places in the Workheld Flow web app, the object bar is displayed on the right-hand side. It is used to assign employees, attachments and tools to a work order, a work step or an attachment using drag & drop.

The object bar is divided into 4 areas via a table bar:






In the TECHNICKER area, all employees with the user type Project coordinator or Technician are displayed and you can assign them to a work step or the entire work order using drag & drop. You can add new employees or edit existing employees in the main menu under → TECHNICKER management.

All of the customer's equipment are displayed in the EQUIPMENT section and you can assign them to a work step or the entire work order using drag & drop. You can add new attachments or edit existing attachments in the main menu under EQUIPMENT → Equipment management.

In the TOOLS area, all tools are displayed and you can assign them to a work step or the entire work order using drag & drop. You can add new tools or edit existing tools in the main menu under MASTERDATA → Tools.

In the SKILLS area, all skills are displayed and you can assign them to a work step or the entire work order using drag & drop. Using the magic wand button, the appropriate technicians are automatically selected based on the skills.


1.6 User settings

You can customize your name, profile picture and password in the Workheld Flow Web App.
To do this, click on your user name at the top right and then on Profile.



1.7 Passwort

You can change your password at any time in the user settings by clicking on the RESET PASSWORD button in your profile.


1.8 Language

You can also change the language of the Workheld Flow web app at any time. To do this, click on the country abbreviation next to the globe in the top right-hand corner and select the desired language.


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