EN: Part 3: Equipments

3.1 Overview of equipment

In the main menu item Equipment, you will find all equipment that is linked to projects or cases that have been assigned to you. You can view these either as a list or in a map view. To do this, simply switch between list view and map view using the table bar at the top.

List view


Map view



If you are standing in front of equipment that has been labelled with a QR code, you can scan this QR code to go straight to the respective equipment. To do this, click on the Scan equipment QR code button in the list view and centre the QR code within the rectangle displayed.




3.2 Detailed view of equipment

If you click on one of the pieces of equipment in the list view or map view or scan a valid QR code, you will be navigated to the equipment details. Here you can use the table bar at the top to switch between the list view of all projects and cases linked to the equipment, the information on the equipment, the files belonging to the equipment and the equipment structure.



If you click on one of the projects or an case from here, you will be navigated to the project details. Cf. https://tabletsolutions.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/WD/pages/edit-v2/3560734721#2.2-Detailansicht-Projekte