Part 7 Equipment management and tools (EN)

Part 7 Equipment management and tools (EN)

7.1 Equipment overview

You can access equipment management by clicking on the EQUIPMENT icon (box symbol) on the far left edge of the Workheld mobile app.

There you will find an overview of all equipment in the field that is linked to projects or assignments that have been assigned to you. These are displayed as a list and on the map. Click on one of the pieces of equipment to get detailed information.

If you are standing in front of equipment that has been provided with a QR code, you can scan this QR code to immediately access the respective equipment. To do this, click on the Scan equipment QR code button in the list view and center the QR code within the rectangle displayed.

7.2 Detailed view of equipment

If you click on one of the installations in the list view of the equipment or on the map or scan a valid QR code, you will be navigated to the installation details.

Here you will see a list of all projects and assignments that involve work on the equipment. By clicking on a project or an assignment, you will be navigated to the respective detailed view.

See also Part 2 Work oveview | 2.2 Detailed view of projects / cases / standing orders

A list of all projects and assignments involving work on the equipment is displayed here. Click on a project or case to navigate to the respective detailed view.

You can find further information under 2.2 Detailed view of projects / cases / standing orders.

7.3 Equipment history

You can use the tab bar at the top right to switch between the detailed view of the equipment and the equipment history. Then click on the LOAD EQUIPMENT HISTORY button.

The projects and cases that contain work on the equipment are now retrieved. When the process is complete, you can now download the documentation created for the various projects and assignments by clicking on the DOWNLOAD icon (cloud with arrow).

If the download was successful, you have access to the entries created for the equipment, whereby these are displayed structured according to work orders and work steps within the project or case.


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