Part 4 Reports and entries (EN)
4.1 Overview of reports
Reports are created and saved for individual work orders. You will therefore also find the reports in the work order overview. Click on the Reports button (clipboard) on the right-hand side,
to create a new report or view existing reports.
If you have already created reports for the work order, these are displayed in the left-hand bar. The image below shows that a report already exists. Click on the eye next to the report to view it.
As this report has not yet been synchronized, it can still be deleted. Click on the trash can next to the report to delete it.
You can only delete reports if they have not yet been synchronized. Reports are synchronized with every synchronization, regardless of whether the entries have already been submitted or only saved as a draft.
4.2 Creating reports
First select one of the available report templates to create a new report. Please note that the report templates not only determine the design, but also which entry types can be displayed on them.
Once you have selected one of the report types, click NEXT.
In the next view, you will see the available entries and checklist instances in an ordered list, with most entries already selected depending on the report template selected.
When you are satisfied with your selection, click on CREATE REPORT.
You can select and deselect individual entries and checklist instances. Alternatively, you also have the option of clicking on a work order or a work step to select and deselect all associated entries for the report. You can also select and deselect all entries of a specific entry type using the icons in the top right-hand corner.
After you have clicked on CREATE REPORT, a preview of the report is displayed. You can now revise the report again, save it directly or add a signature.
Now sign the report in the field provided. Once you have added your signature, you can either save the report directly or add another signature.
When you sign the report, your name is automatically pre-filled and the current date is inserted under your signature. However, you can also enter a different name in the NAME field or deactivate the automatic insertion of the date.
4.3 Further processing of reports
After you have pressed SAVE (diskette), the finished report will be displayed again. You now have the option of either sending the report as an e-mail (letter), printing it out (printer), opening it in an external program (arrow) or saving it on your device (floppy disk) by pressing the corresponding icon in the top right-hand corner.
You can also use the arrow button at the top left to return to the work order overview. Your report will then be saved and can be found in the report overview.
4.4 Overview entries
In the overview of projects, assignments, standing orders, work orders and work steps, the OVERVIEW OF ENTRIES button is displayed at all times, which you can use to conveniently access the overview of all associated entries.
In the overview of entries, you can filter them by time period and entry type.
If there are entries that are still in DRAFT status, you can submit them with one click using the SUBMIT ALL ENTRIES button.
You will find information on the synchronization status and the button for viewing the entries (eye) on the right-hand side of each entry line. The symbols have the following meaning:
Symbol | Description |
The entry has been saved as a draft and can be edited or finally submitted. | |
The entry has been submitted and can no longer be edited. | |
The entry has been checked and approved by the coordinator. | |
The entry has already been archived. |
If a small green cloud appears next to the entry icon, the entry has already been synchronized. Click on the SYNCHRONIZATION icon on the far left edge of the Workheld Flow Windows app (cloud with arrows) to synchronize the other entries as well.
4.5 Editing entries
If you have only saved an entry as a draft or the submitted entry has not yet been synchronized, you can still edit it.
To do this, click on the EDIT icon (pencil) on the right-hand side of the entry line.
The entries are edited in the same way as when creating entries. However, you also have the option of deleting an entry by clicking on DELETE at the bottom left.
pressing DELETE (trash can) at the bottom left.
Once you have made the desired changes, you can either save the edited entry and submit it during the next synchronization (SAVE AND SUBMIT) or just save it as a draft (SAVE DRAFT).