Part 5 Order completion (EN)

Part 5 Order completion (EN)

5.1 Completing work orders and work steps

You have the option of completing each work step individually by clicking on the MARK AS COMPLETED button in the top right-hand corner of the work step overview.

Alternatively, you can press the MARK MY WORK STEPS AS COMPLETED button in the work order overview to set all work steps of the order to COMPLETED status in one go.

If you have prematurely marked a work step as DONE, you can undo this step at any time by clicking on the same button again in the work step overview.

5.2 Completed work steps with unsubmitted entries

If you have created entries for a work step and have not yet submitted them, you will receive a warning as soon as you mark the work step as COMPLETED.

This warning is for your information only and you can still mark the step as COMPLETED. However, as long as you do not change the status of the entries to COMPLETED, a warning will be displayed at various points in the order entry overview.


Information on changing the status of entries can be found in the chapter 4.5 Editing entries.


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