Part 2 Work overview (EN)

Part 2 Work overview (EN)

2.1 Work overview

Start your work by clicking on the ORDERS icon (wrench) on the far left edge of the Workheld Flow Windows app.

You can use the tab bar at the top right to switch between a list view, the view for standing orders and unplanned orders and a calendar view.

In the list view, you will find all projects/assignments sorted by date and time. The locations of the projects/assignments are marked with a small dot on the map.

The dots on the map show you where the various projects/assignments are planned - the color of the flags next to the project/assignment corresponds to the location on the map.

In the view for standing orders and unplanned orders, you will find all standing orders that have been assigned to you. You also have the option of documenting unplanned orders here.

The current calendar week is displayed in the calendar view. However, you can use the arrow buttons to navigate one calendar week into the past or the future.

If all work steps of a work order are planned at the same time, only the work order is displayed in the calendar view - you can see from the small symbol in the bottom right-hand corner whether it is a single work step or a work order.

2.2 Detailed view of projects / cases / standing orders

If you click on a project or case in the list view or on a standing order in the standing order view, you will see an overview of all associated work orders. In this overview, you will also see basic information about the customer. Click on the work order you want to execute to obtain detailed information.


You can navigate back at any time by clicking on the vertical bars (All projects / Cases / Standing orders) on the left-hand side of the list of work orders.

2.3 Detailed view of work order

The work order overview gives you an overview of all the work steps that are part of the work order. You can see your work location in large format on the map.

Below this, you will see documents and images that have been attached to the work order. All you have to do is click on them to open them either in Workheld or in a compatible program.

Below the documents, you will see the tools that are required to complete the work order. You can also click on these tools to get more detailed information.

The equipment assigned to the individual work orders is displayed at the bottom. As all three work steps are to be carried out on the same equipment in this case, only one piece of equipment is displayed. You can of course also click on the equipment to obtain more detailed information.


Here too, you can move back in the hierarchy at any time by clicking on one of the vertical bars on the left-hand side of the list of work steps.

2.4 Detailansicht Arbeitsschritt

In the overview of the work step, you will find a description of the work step, the planned work period and a contact with telephone number.

The tools that are specifically required for the displayed work step are also displayed. Here too, you can click on the tools to obtain more detailed information.

Only one piece of equipment can be assigned to each work step. This is also displayed again in the work step and you can click on the equipment to obtain more detailed information.

You can also see here if other colleagues are assigned to the work step.

You can carry out the entire documentation of your work in the work step overview. You will find the start/stop button for time recording and the button for creating new entries (clipboard with plus sign) on the right-hand side. You can also submit a support request at the same time.

Here too, you can move back in the hierarchy at any time by clicking on one of the vertical bars on the left-hand side next to the detailed information on the work step.

2.5 Detailed view of work step with checklist

A checklist can be attached to a work step, which can be displayed and processed in the overview for the work step.

Further information can be found under 3.3 Creating checklist instances.


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